Raymond Sidrys was born on January 23, 1950 in Manhattan, New York (USA). Raymond received his BA (1971) in Anthropology at Northwestern University (also 1969 summer school at Harvard University), and MA (1973) and PhD (1976) in Anthropology at UCLA. He lectured at several Universities in southern California and in Lithuania. His archaeological excavations were at Illinois, California, Guatemala, Belize and Lithuania. Primary research objectives were obsidian exchange among the ancient Maya, and Neolithic/Roman amber trade in the East Baltic, which resulted in a few books and 30 articles. In 1979, he was selected by the U.S. National Academy of Science as an exchange scientist with the Soviet Academy of Science to research Baltic amber. In 1992-1994 he received Fulbright grants for teaching at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.
2003 – CSUSB California K-12 Teaching Credential in Social Science and English
1981 – UCLA M.B.A. Marketing
1976 – UCLA Ph.D. Anthropology (Four-field approach)
Dissertation analyzed production-distribution systems in ancient Mesoamerica
1973 – UCLA M.A. Anthropology
Thesis described obsidian exchange among ancient Maya society
1971 – Northwestern University B.A. Anthropology
Pedagoginė veikla
2011-2014 – Romėnų Kultūros Palikimas Vakarų Civilizacijai, Vilnius University, Istorijos Institutas, Lithuania
2007-2008 – American Literature course for regular and sheltered ELL students at Colton High School, CA
2005- 2007 – World History and English Language courses at Goodwill High School, Victor Valley Unified School District, CA<
2003 žiema – Prehistory of the Middle East and Europe, California State University at San Bernardino.
1999 pavasaris – Nationalism and Cultural Identity (seminar), Vilnius University, Lithuania.
1998 pavasaris – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, and co-taught History of Theory in Social Anthropology, Vilnius University.
1997 – Cultural Anthropology: Seminar on Cultural Materialism, Vilnius University.
1995 pavasaris – The Rise of Civilization: Six Nuclear Areas, Vilnius University. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Civilization, and Introduction to Anthropology, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Lithuania.
1994 – Art and Anthropology,and Introduction to Cultural Anthropology,and Marketing Methods for Museum Management (seminar),VMU.
1994 pavasaris – Classical Civilization of Greece and Rome, and Introduction to Anthropology Methods for Museum Management (seminar), VMU.
1993 – Ancient Egypt And Her Neighbors, and Origins of the Indo-Europeans, VMU.
1993 pavasaris – Classical Civilization of Greece and Rome, and New World Civilization: Mesoamerica and the Andean Sphere, VMU.
1992 – Ancient Egypt And Her Neighbors, VMU.
1992 pavasaris – Classical Archaeology, and Introduction to Physical Anthropology, VMU.>
1992 vasara – Field Methods in Archaeology (excavation of Iron Age cemetery at Lazdininkai).
1991 – Ancient Egypt And Her Neighbors, and Marketing Methods for Museumm Management (seminar), VMU.
1987 – Introduction to Culture History, California State University, Fullerton
1987 pavasaris – Introduction Culture History, California State University, Fullerton
1980 žiema – Introduction Culture History, UCLA Extension
1978 vasara – Introduction Culture History, and Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica, UCLA. Also taught Ancient Civilizations,UCLA Extension
1978 pavasaris – Introduction Archaeology, Pierce Community College, Woodland Hills, CA.
1978 žiema – Introduction to Culture History, UCLA Extension
1977 – Pre-Columbian Civilization, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA.
1976 – Introduction to Anthropology, UCLA Extension
1976 pavasaris – Teaching Associate for Ancient Civilizations of Eastern Middle America (Nicholson-lnstructor), UCLA
1975 žiema – Teaching Associate for Evolution of Man (Sever-lnstructor), UCLA
1975 – Teaching Associate for Evolution of Man (Lindburg-lnstructor), UCLA
Archeologiniai tyrimai
1996-99 – Long-term Ethnographic Researcher in Lithuania, including participant observation, informant interviews and survey data collection, for a book in the future.
1994 – Researcher, Marvelė Archaeological Expedition, Kaunas, Lithuania
1992 – Co-Director, Kretinga Museum Archaeological Excavations at Lazdininkai, Lithuania
1984 – Supervisor, California State University at Fullerton, CA-SBR-363 Archaeological Project, Zzyzx, California.
1979 vasaris-gegužė – Researcher, Survey of Neolithic Amber Collections in USSR Museums (Moscow, Petersburg, Riga, Tallinn,Vilnius, Kaunas)
1977 pavasaris – Supervisor,UCLA El Balsamo Archaeological Project, Guatemala.
1976 – Field Director, Archaeological Survey, CA-ORA-469 EIR, El Toro, California.
1976 vasara – Archivist, Neolithic Amber Collection, Museum of Ethnography, Vilnius, Lithuania.
1974 vasara – Director, UCLA Corozal Archaeological Survey, Belize.
1973 – Director, Geological Obsidian Survey of Maya Highlands, Guatemala.
1973 vasara – Field worker, Malibu Archaeological Project, CA-LAN-264, Malibu, California.
1972 vasara – Supervisor, Yaxha Archaeological Expedition at Peten, Guatemala.
1971 vasara – Field worker,Koster Archaeological ProJect of Northwestern University at Kampsville, Illinois
2020 R. V. Sidrys, “The Mysterious Spheres on Greek and Roman Ancient Coins”. Archaeopress: Oxford, UK..
2005 R. Sidrys, “Sunlight in Stone: Ancient Amber Use in the East Baltic”. In Archaeology Without Limits: Papers in Honor of Clement W. Meighan, ed. by B. Dillon and M. Boxt, p. 419-439. Labyrinthos Press: Lancaster.
2001 R. Sidrys, “Roman Imports among the West Balts”. In Baltic Amber, vol. 22: 157-170, Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis.<
1999 R. Sidrys and A. Luchtanas, “Shining axes, spiral pins: Early metal consumption in the East Baltic” Acta Archaeologica,vol. 70: 165-184.
1999 R. Sidrys, “Kasinėjimai be teorijos? Kritiškas optimisto žvilgsnis į Lietuvos archeologiją”; [trsl: Critical Review of Theory in Lithuanian Archaeology]. In Lietuvos Sovietinė Istoriografija, p. 207-238, ed. by A. Bumblauskas and N. Šepetys. Aidai, Vilnius.
1999 A. Luchtanas and R. Sidrys, “Bronzos plitimas rytiniame Pabaltijo regione iki Kristaus” [trsl Distribution of bronze in the East Baltic region before Christ]. Archeologia Lituana 1: <15-55.
1999 R. Sidrys, “Fish Names in the Eastern Baltic: Etymology, Ecology and Economy”. Istorija XLI: 3-23.
1999 R. Sidrys and R. Škiudienė, “A Black Figure Krater with Padded Dancer Scene from Kaunas, Lithuania”. Antike Kunst 42: 3-8.
1996 R. Sidrys, “Lithuanians on Lithuanian-Americans”. The Observer, Nrs. I/2, p. 4-9.
1996 R. Sidrys, “The light eye and hair cline: Implications for Indo-European migrations to northern Europe”. In The Indo-Europeanization of Northern Europe, p. 330-349, ed. by K. Jones-Bley and M. Huld. Journal of Indo-European Studies,Monograph 17.
1995 R. Sidrys, “Tiškevičių gintaro karoliai – iš Mikėnų kultūros?” [trsl: The Tiškevičius Amber Necklace -Mycenaean Provenience?]. Baltų archeologija Nr. 4 (7).
1995 R. Sidrys, “A Lithuanian-English glossary of Baltic archaeology”. In Archaeologia Baltica, p. 174-199.
1995 V. Kazakevičius and R. Sidrys (editors). Archaeologia Baltica. Institute of Lithuanian History monograph, Vilnius.
1994 R. Sidrys and I. Jakštaitė, “A survey of student attitudes towards native and foreign instructors at Lithuanian universities”. Lituanus 40 (4): 5-24.
1994 D. Butkus, R. Sidrys, J. Kanarskis. “Lazdininkų (Kalnalaukio) kapinyno tyrinėjimai 1992 ir 1993m.” [trsl: Excavation of Lazdininkai cemetery]. In Archeologiniai Tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje 1992 ir 1993 metais,
1994 R. Sidrys, “Gintaro įkapės senajame ir viduriniajame geležies amžiuose” [trsl: Funerary amber ornaments of the Old and Middle Iron Ages]. In Vidurio Lietuvos Archeologija, ed. A. Astrauskas,p. 28-46. Žalioji Lietuva, Vilnius.
1994 R. Sidrys, “Vakarų Baltų gintaro įkapės geležies amžiuje” [trsl: Funerary amber among the West Balts in the Iron Age]. Klaipėdos miesto ir regiono archeologijos ir istorijos problemos, ed. A. Nikžentaitis ir V. Žulkus p. 59-106. Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis II, Klaipėda.
1994 R. Sidrys, “Archeologijos įtaka klasicizmui” [trsl: The influence of archaeology in neoclassical architecture]. Kultūros Barai, Part I in Vol. 349 (No. 1): 63-67, Pt. 2 in Vol. 350 (No. 2): 64-71.
1992 V.Gudelis and R. Sidrys, “Amerikos atradirnai prieš Kolumbą” [trsl: Discoverers of America before Columbus], Mokslas ir Gyvenimas, Part I in Vol. 418 (No. 9): 20-21, Pt. 2 in Vol. 419 (No. 10): 12-13.
1983 R. Sidrys, Archaeological Excavations in Northern Belize, Central America, University of California at Los Angeles, Institute of Archaeology, Monograph 17.
1979 C. Krowne, R. Sidrys, and S. Cooperman, “A Lowland Maya Calendar Round/Long Count Conversion Computer Program”, American Antiquity 44: 775-780.
1979 R. Sidrys, “Supply and Demand Among the Classic Maya,” Current Anthropology 20: 594-597.
1979 R. Sidrys and J. Kimberlin, “Use of Maya Obsidian Sources Through Time: Trace Element Data from El Balsamo, Guatemala” Journal of Field Archaeology 6: 116-122.
1979 R. Sidrys and R Berger, “Reply to Sterns, Loria and Garber,” Nature 281 (No. 5730): 407.
1979 R. Sidrys and R. Berger, “Lowland Maya Radiocarbon Dates and the Classic Maya Collapse” Nature 277 (No. 5694): 269-274.
1978 R. Sidrys, “Megalithic Architecture and Sculpture of the Ancient Maya” in Papers on the Economy< and Architecture of the Ancient Maya, ed. by R. Sidrys, pp. 155-183. UCLA, Institute of Archaeology, Monograph 8.
1978 R. Sidrys, “Archeological Measurement of the Matter-Energy Flow in Mesoamerican Civilization,” in Papers on the Economy and Architecture of the Ancient Maya, ed. by R. Sidrys, pp. 1-39.UCLA, Institute of Archaeology, Monograph 8.
1978 R. Sidrys (editor). Papers on the Economy and Architecture of the Ancient Maya. UCLA, Institute of Archeology, Monograph 8.
1978 R. Sidrys and J. Andresen, “A Second Round Structure from Northern Belize, Central America” Man 13: 638-650.
1978 R. Sidrys, “Ką pasakoja Majų Obsidianas,” Mokslas ir Gyvenimas Vol. 248 (No. 5): 23-27.Vilnius, Lithuania, USSR.
1978 F. Asaro, H.V. Michel, R. Sidrys, and F. Stross, “High-Precision Chemical Characterization of Major Obsidian Sources in Guatemala,” American Antiquity 43: 436-443.
1978 D. Marcucci, F. Nelson, and R. Sidrys, “Poison Ivy Obsidian Source Identification,”Journal the Iowa Archaeological Society 25: 92-99.
1978 F. Nelson, R Sidrys, and R. Holmes, “Trace Element Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence of Obsidian Artifacts from Guatemala and Belize,” in Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten,Guatemala: Artifacts, ed. by G.R. Willey, pp. 153-161. Harvard University, Peabody Museum, Memoirs 14 (No. 1).
1978 R. Sidrys, “Notes on the Obsidian Prismatic Blades at Seibal and Altar De Sacrificios” in Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala: Artifacts, ed. by G.R Willey, pp. 146-152. Harvard University, Peabody Museum, Memoirs 14 (No. 1).
1977 R. Sidrys, “Mass-Distance Measures for Maya Obsidian Trade” in Exchange Systems in Prehistory, ed. by T. Earle and J. Ericson, pp. 91-107. San Francisco: Academic Press.
1977 R. Sidrys,”Obsidian Sources for Cerro Portezuelo, Mexico,” Journal of New World Archaeology Vol. 2 (No. 1): 47-51.
1976 R. Sidrys and J. Andresen, “Metate Import in Northern Belize,” in Maya Lithic Studies: Papers from the l976 Belize Field Sympozium, ed. by T. Hester and N. Hammond, pp. 177-190. University of Texas at San Antonio, Center for Archaeological Research, Special Report 4.
1976 C. Krowne and R. Sidrys, “Centrographic Means for the Distribution of Chevelon Drainage Ceramics” in Chevelon Archaeological Research Project, ed. by F. Plog, J. Hill, and D.Read, pp. 79-81. University of California at Los Angeles, Institute of Archeology, Monograph 2.
1976 R. Sidrys, Mesoamerica: An Archeological Analysis of a Low-Energy Civilization (Ph.D Dissertation, UCLA), University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1976 R. Sidrys, “Classic Maya Obsidian Trade” American Antiquity 41: 449-464.
1976 R. Sidrys, J. Andresen, and D. Marcucci, “Obsidian Sources in the Maya Area”J ournal of World Archaeology, Vol. I (No.5): 1-13.
1975 R. Sidrys, H.B. Nicholson, and C. Krowne, “Lowland Maya Long Count/Gregorian Conversion Computer Program” American Antiquity 40: 337-334.